(A Metabolic Health project of LFWB. Supported by Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation)
Aims and Objectives:
1. Planning and Implementation of an integrated intervention to improve awareness, increased early diagnosis leading to improved care, in diabetes and liver disease as a comprehensive metabolic package.
2. Creation of a health care workforce that form the nidus of such intervention and can serve as a model to be replicated in subsequent national public sector initiative – if found useful.
3. To carry out operational research in the interface of diabetes and liver diseases – that can serve as a template for planning future interventions in the community as well as clinic based care.
4. Development of an overall scientific and perceptual environment that facilitate action and care in metabolic diseases as an integrated entity.
Project Components:
The project envisages the following components:
A. An awareness and action component
This part of the study comprises three parts:
* Perception about Diabetes among rural and urban population
* Behavior modification program towards healthy lifestyle and well being
* Household survey to assess the metabolic disease burden in relation with diabetes
B. An operational research component
* On appraisal of the “perception” of people and providers that will guide this intervention as a flagship.
* A clinic based multi centric research that will be throwing new light on the intricate relationship between diabetes and liver disease.